Vintage Plaster Greyhound Dog Sculpture
All good dogs are brown...
{Disclaimer: When honest to goodness to facts fail to present themselves whimsy takes over in the history department. This may or may not be a true story. Believe what you like.}
Oh Claudio! He has an aristocratic name because he is a noble greyhound after all, but really the fancy stuff about this guy stops there. His story begins a long time ago in a painting studio where he lived high on a shelf alongside many other animals. Originally he was white in color, fresh from the plaster molds that bore him and then set to rest on a shelf until a future artist could come and give him some color. One of many dogs, but the only greyhound of the group, Claudio watched as one by one, over many months, all the other pups were selected for paint. The collie went first, then the German shepherd, then the terrier, the great dane, the boxer and the beagle. But no one came for Claudio. He sat for years, ever watchful, ever waiting for a person, a painter, a friend, to come and take him home.
Eventually, the painting studio, after an unsuccessful run, announced that it was closing, and alerted the neighborhood to the news and a 50% off sale of all merchandise including the few animals that remained. Claudio was well aware that this may be his last chance. Who knows what would become of him once the studio closed forever.
During the sale, a young boy and his mother visited. They perused the shelves of items to paint - plates, vases, picture frames, and other various household items, before settling finally on the animal section. Walking back and forth and back and forth they deliberated about which two to select. Claudio was hoping this was his chance. The mother was very pretty and wore a beautiful hat to match a gauzy dress that floated as she walked. Each time she saw something of interest her eyes would light up and she would squeeze the boy's shoulder to see if he liked it too. An elephant, a lion, a turtle, a sheep, a cow, a cat. The boy liked these things but it wasn't until he got to Claudio that he fell in love and shook his head yes, please. Claudio's heart lept with joy as the boy gingerly took him off the shelf, not grabbing him by the head or the shoulders as most people were apt to do, but by the base like he was a prize that must be treated carefully.
The mom selected a parrot with long wings outstretched as if it was ready to fly, and the two triumphantly carried their creatures to the painting table. Brushes were gathered, jars of paint were collected in bright and vibrant shades. Peacock blue, crimson red, banana yellow, spring green, tangerine... Claudio couldn't wait to see the vibrant fate that awaited him. In minutes, the bird was glistening, slick, and shiny in all its multi-colored glory. Blue, green, red, yellow, black, even streaks of purple now cloaked the bird in an astounding array of shades that were jubilant and eye-catching. Parrot turned into a real show-stopper of artistic panache.
The little boy, on the other hand, had other ideas. He selected just one pot of color and one paintbrush and washed Claudio in a solid shade from head to toe. Tah-dah, the boy proclaimed. The two creatures were set side by side to be admired. Next to the parrot, Claudio looked rather plain and unadorned, but the boy's mother declared the dog a masterpiece nonetheless. As they put the paints away and got ready to take their animals home, the mom asked the boy why he chose just to use one color for his subject. And the little boy replied, "because Mom everybody knows all good dogs are brown."
From that day forward Claudio was a loyal companion to the boy, adventuring with him throughout childhood and even through adulthood. That's when the boy, whose name was Sam, became a talented, well-revered artist in his own right. Claudio lived alongside Sam in his childhood bedroom, his college dorm, his bachelor pad apartment, and in his artist's loft. Their last spot together was on a crowded mantle where Claudio sat next to Sam's ashes. Sam never married, never had a family of his own, but he did have a will and in his will he left instruction to find a home for Claudio, the good brown dog.
And so here we are with a mission to find a home for Claudio and a person to love him just as much as Sam did. This person will not mind the imperfect paint job Sam made of him when he was just a boy. Nor the small chip on Claudio's left thigh or the covered-over scrape mark near his right eye. The person who cares for Claudio next will love him for one reason... because he's a good brown dog and that's all anyone really needs to know.
- Made of plaster
- Handpainted with no maker's marks
As explained above, this pup was not perfectly handpainted so you'll see some drips and/or pooled paint near his left hip, behind his right ear, and on his neck. These drips are only really noticeable when viewed up close given the singular color palette. There are no cracks and no significant chips- just one pencil point size surface chip on the left thigh and two tiny knicks on one side of the pedestal base. Please see photos.
Measures 8.5" inches (height) x 5.25" inches (length) x 4" inches (width) and weighs 1lb. 10oz.
Claudio looks especially handsome when incorporated into shelf and mantel scenes. Like any good dog, he of course favors the kitchen and Thanksgiving is his favorite holiday. His brown coloring looks especially attractive when paired with Autumn decor.