Vintage 1960's Baking Book - Danish Home Baking by Karen Berg -1965 Fourth Edition
A day in the life of a Dane is inclined to be a cakeful day. (from the Forward)
First published in 1957, this slim volume of Danish Home Baking, contains over 80 pages of traditional sweet treats from the land of Denmark. Geared toward the home baker, it features all the classics from Christmas cookies to pastries, cakes to breads, custards to ice cream, along with a sampling of some all engaging vintage desserts that might be new to the modern cook.
Whose up for Veiled Country Lass, Sister Cake, Danish Coffee Ring, Carnival Buns, Hans Anderson Cake, Lemon Tops, Apple Purses and Princess Sugar Pretzels? Those are just a few of the whimsically named traditionals you'll find in this book, along with basic recipes for puff pastry, white bread, dinner rolls, custard and butter cream icing. Using only whole ingredients, each recipe is detailed with simple easy to follow instructions and helpful tips and suggestion to ensure a successful outcome.
"We love cake in any shape or form ," announces the authors right at the beginning. By the end of this book you'll be in love with it too.
This is the 4th printing of the 1965 edition.
- Contains 119 recipes
- 85 pages
- Contains both the English and Danish of each recipe along with two indexes - one in English and one in Danish
- Full color photographs illustrate some of the finished baked goods
In beautiful vintage condition. Very clean pages and coverboards. Tight spine. All pages intact.
Measures 5" inches (width) x 8" inches (length) x .5" inches (thickness) and weighs 6oz.