Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening - 1975 Edition 28th Printing
The slow but devastating erosion of good lands everywhere could be stopped if we let nature be our teacher. Sir Albert Howard
Everything (everything!) you might ever need to know about organic gardening from a vintage viewpoint, you'll find here in this complete A-Z compendium, Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening.
Laid out alphabetically starting with A Horizon (a layer of soil!) and ending with zygopetalum (an orchid!), this vintage book published in 1975 is both a helper in the garden and in the kitchen. Compiled by the editors of Organic Gardening and Farming Magazine - two leading periodicals in the late 20th-century organic gardening movement - this book is both entertaining and educational. Fun to pick up and peruse at random, it contains all sorts of fascinating information pertaining to growing and eating organically, but also it acts as a quick reference guide to over 1400 agricultural topics that may arise in your own gardening endeavors. Covering how-tos, history, terms, techniques, influential people in the horticulture field, nutrition, practical advice, botanical information, equipment and recommendations for both growing and caring for an organic garden, readers will find a full symposium of guidance, advice and information.
An interesting array of topics covered here include espaliers, forcing bulbs, fertilizer, larkspur, pecan trees, poison ivy, muskmelons, stramonium, pruning, nymphaea, polystichum, shrimp plants, vinegarweed, humus, frogs, cider, bird of paradise, lilacs, kudzu, potash rock, soapwort ... the list goes on and on!
- December 1975 edition, 28th printing
- 1145 pages
- Includes original dust jacket
- Illustrated throughout with black and white photos and line drawings
In wonderful vintage condition. This book is very clean and bright inside and out with no spots, stains, markings or notations. the dust jacket contains a bit of chippiness along the top and bottom edge. Other than that, this book is in gorgeous shape.
Measures 9" inches (length) x 6" inches (width) x 2.5" inches (thickness) and weighs a hefty 3.5 lbs.